Catherine Street

Highland Street

Marcella Street
E+Positive: Energy, Environment, Equity
Green Building Program: Summary
The Energy Positive (E+) Green Building Demonstration Program seeks to advance industry practice and public awareness of energy efficient green buildings and to construct high performance 1 to 4 unit residential, home ownership, green building prototypes that can serve as models for future practice. E+ Buildings give energy back to the grid. This program is a pilot initiative of the City of Boston’s Department of Neighborhood Development (DND), Office of Environment & Energy Services, and the Boston Redevelopment Authority.
Green Building Program: Vision
The objectives of the E+ Green Building Demonstration Program and [the] RFP are:
Future Prototypes: Construct energy efficient high performance 1 to 4 unit residential green building prototypes that can serve as models for future practice.
Demonstration Projects: Test and prove the feasibility and performance potential for energy positive residential green buildings.
Awareness: Raise professional and public awareness of energy efficient high performance 1 to 4 unit residential green building design and construction practices.
Housing Opportunities: Advance neighborhood sustainability by providing new housing opportunities connected to nearby community amenities and affordable to a variety of income earners.
Urban Design: Reinvigorate Boston neighborhoods with new development that is both contemporary, expressing high performance green building features, and contextually respectful, reflecting the scale and character of nearby structures and the neighborhood.
Building new homes in compact neighborhoods that are connected to nearby transit service and local amenities reduces transportation-related energy use, pollution, and saves homeowners money. Redeveloping vacant parcels saves land, reduces sprawl, revitalizes existing neighborhoods, and promotes sustainable communities.
Request for Proposals
For more information regarding the competition’s Request for Proposals, refer to the PDF below:
E+ Request for Proposals – Issued March 14, 2011, closed June 15, 201
Program Partners
The E+ Green Building Demonstration Program is a City of Boston initiative supported by local and national sponsors who will assist with promoting the initiative and recognizing selected submissions for innovations in design and construction that advance the goals of E+ Green Program.
Sponsors: EverSource – National Grid – US Green Building Council – Massachusetts USGBC Chapter – Boston Society of Architects